I am challenging myself to complete 30 paintings in 30 days starting today, February 1, 2018. The parameters of my personal challenge are as follows:
- COMPLETE: I will complete (at least) 30 paintings in 30 days. The goal being to finish a minimum of 1 a day. (The term painting can include simple illustrations and sketchbook journal entries.)
- MEDIUM: Watercolor on paper will be my primary medium.
- SIZE: The size can be postcard, 5 x 7 inches on an 8 x 10 paper or in my travel sketchbook if I’m out of the house on a busy day.
- SUBJECT: The subject will be primarily local. Meaning it will represent where I am currently. Most of the time that will be Oakhurst, CA but I have a scheduled bit of time in San Jose this month so when I’m there my painting will represent that location.
- GENRE: I can paint anything from still life, portrait, architecture, urban life, cityscape, landscape or wildlife. (I might pick a weekly theme to narrow my focus a bit.)
- SOURCE: My goal will be to paint as much from real life (versus photos) as possible. This is a big challenge for me because I prefer the comfort of my house and so if I can’t see it out my window I’m very limited, plus real life keeps changing so it’s hard, I’m just sayin. All still life will be without photos. Wildlife and probably portrait will have to be from photos. The rest would be good for me to do on location….ahhhh, so hard.
- SCHEDULE: I will right on my calendar the time slot with approximate time allowed to complete each painting, pushing myself a bit to work faster than normal so it’s not an all day thing. After finishing one I can start prepping, by choosing and sketching pieces for other days but try to leave the bulk of the painting for the next day. I may use one entire day a week to catch up and work ahead a bit or do research for ideas of subjects (this would have been good to do ahead of today….next time that’s what I’ll do).
- SHARE: I will share the completed works on my Artist Facebook page Teresa J Sharp Art as I finish them. Another goal is to write a short blog post here on livecreateconnect.com by the end of each day to share more about what the experience is like. Either the step by step process or how it’s affecting me to do this challenge.
I would love it if some of you would join the challenge (personalizing of course) and share some of your experiences as well. Let’s encourage each other to CREATE. It’s part of being fully alive as humans and makes our lives richer. As we share our struggles and progress on this journey to add to the beauty of God’s creation we will be connected in a way that brings smiles and courage to others.