Preparation for painting:
Set up work area
Chose paints
Burnt Umber
Prussian Blue
Burnt Sienna
Sap Green
Kneaded eraser and HB pencil, paper is taped to board and 5 x 7 parameter was lightly drawn.
Placed white paper behind and pine cone on white box. Taking photo helps me find the shadow placement and composition.
First sketch…I decided the shadow was too long for my vantage point.
Changed photo vantage point, notice the shadow is shorter.
This shows the shortened shadow but I lost some of the details (rushing), I also added masking fluid for the lightest areas.
Testing the colors: Prussian blue on left, Burnt Sienna on the right.
Burnt Sienna on the left, Sap Green on the right.
Compared the neutrals of the two different combination.
I chose Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber.
The colors after they dried.
Decided the Sap Green/Burnt Sienna combo was too warm.
My first step was to mix a light version of my dominate color: Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna together.
Painting process step by step:
First application of paint, allowing some of shadow color to bleed into pine cone and pine cone into shadow.
Dropped in some darker more saturated color.
After the paint has dried
Adding definition to the pine cone.
Removed masking.
Filled is more local color.
Darkened cast shadow and shadows inside pine cone.
Lifted some points on sections of pine cone. Added dark to shadow. Completed and signed (bad lighting).
Completed painting.